TestResources offers test fixtures, ovens, grips and other test machine accessories compatible with all the leading test machine brands
We also offer control system upgrades and a broad line of new general purpose test machines as summarized below. |
Test Equipment
Testing Products
Device Tester
Implant Tester
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Tissue Test Equipment |
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Tensile Holders
Test Fixtures and Resources
Compression Platens
Bend & Flexural
Chambers, Furnaces,
Extensometers |
Test Machines
Testers & Machines
Torsion Test Machines
Torsional Test Equipment
Test Systems
Biaxial Test Systems
Servohydraulic Retrofits -
Horizontal Test Machines |
ASTM Test Resources
ISO Test Resources
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Tear strength Testers
Tensile Test Equipment
Peel Test Equipment
Test Machine
Textile Test Equipment
Wood Testing Machines
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Composites Testing Machines
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Rubber Test Machine
Foam Tester
Glass Testing Equipment
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