Modular affordable
controller with keypad, display and RS232
interface. Optional software for control;
data acquisition and real time data plotting.
Performs most tension and compression tests.
Upgrades to R controller.
Powerful, flexible,
integrated software-driven control system
performs almost any test - standard or special.
Includes user programmable control, real time
plotting, calibration, and report generation.
Includes list of pre-designed test analyses.
Features: - Standalone operating mode -.
- Constant speed and load control.
- Test analysis programs are optional.
- XY plotting software optional. |
Features: - Benefits of and data acquisition.
- Plot stress strain in real time - analyze
results automatically.
- Analyzes batch tests with statistical
- Highly integrated turnkey package. |
Applications: -Perform strength,
peel, shear tests; measure yield, modulus
and tensile properties; Test wire, textile,
adhesion, metals; serve production and
quality test applications. |
- for universities,
test service laboratories, data intense applications
such as testing plastics or rubber, and research
and development environments. |