Axial torsional test systems
are used to produce combined axial and torsional loads
to fatigue tests products and components and to characterize
new or advanced materials.
-- features use of one load frame with Axial and Torsional
actuators fixed on the frame centerline. This machine
performs one axial, torsional or biaxial test at a
- mounts the two actuators in two different test frames,
or tables so two axial and torsional tests can be
run concurrently. When biaxial tests are desired the
torsional actuator is placed within the axial frame
and a tension/thrust sensor added.This
approach is for labs desiring two machines for a slightly
higher cost than one combined machine.
kN (1350 lb)
Nm (124 in-lb)
• Static, Dynamic, and Fatigue
• Tension / Compression / Torsion / Biaxial
• Independent and Synchronized
• Range 0.00001 to 15 Hz
• Choice of Frames or Tables
• 24 Bit Control Resolution
• Open Access Software Platform
• Controller expands to 16 stations
• Maintenance free
• Proven in micromechanical applications |
• Static, Dynamic, and Fatigue
• Tension / Compression / Torsion / Biaxial
• Independent and Synchronized
• Range 0.00001 to 10 Hz
• Dual Column Floorstanding Frame
• 24 Bit Control Resolution
• Open Access Software Platform
• Controller expands to 16 stations
• Maintenance free
• Proven in micromechanical applications |
• Static, Dynamic, and Fatigue
• Tension / Compression / Torsion / Biaxial
• Independent and Synchronized
• Range 0.00001 to 20 Hz
• Dual Column Floorstanding Frame
• 24 Bit Control Resolution
• Open Access Software Platform
• Controller expands to 16 stations |
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on uniaxial machine biaxial tension test biaxial tension
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biological material testing biaxial system torsion
compression material testing machine torsion compression
shear torsion tensile compression instruments torsion
tension compression torsion tension compression shear
bone axial torsional system cable axial fatigue testing
procedure calibrador axial/torsional coated fabrics
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axial combine torsion and axial load combined axial
loading torsion combined axial torsion loads combined
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biaxial testing definition of biaxial flexure test
deformacion unitaria axial deformacion by axial load
deformation axial design tissue grip axial loading
design of frame for axial testing machine dynamic
test dynamic testing dynamic multi axial testing machines
elastomer testing biaxial tension elastomer bi-axial
test specimen enduratec elf 3200 biaxial tensile test
system ensayo ciclico ensayo de compression epsilon
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fatigue axiale dans un cable metallique fatigue testers
axial fatigue testing system 100 kn axial fatiguing
by biaxial rotation fixture design for biaxial test
high rate uniaxial testers high strain axial how to
apply cyclic loading in axial fatigue testing hydrulic
axial fatigue test procedure 8511 biaxial
axial torsion tester biaxial
biaxial 8502 multiaxial calibration
uniaxial tensile test load cell axial-sacks
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system iso 6872 standard biaxial flexural strength
krouse axial fatigue testing machine laboratory biaxial
fatigue test standard large scale biaxial fatigue
test methods machine fabric "biaxial test"
maquina de fatiga axial maquina universal para ensayo
de fatiga axial mts 809 axial torsion materials testing
systems mts 809.10 axial torsion testing system mts
axial torsion mts axial torsion testing mts axial
torsional coupler mts axial torsional machine mts
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device mts axial torsional material test system mts
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axial-torsional testing mts servohydraulic axial torsional
system mts spinal axial machine mts uniaxial compression
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system planar biaxial test machine planar bi-axial
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mts planar biaxial torsional problemas resueltos de
esfuerzo biaxial prueva de ensayo axial series axial/torsional
load unit servo hydraulic axial fatigue for aluminum
servohydraulic axial torsional material test system
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in combined axial and torsional load tensile compression
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uniaxial torque and thrust biaxial sensor torque testers
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testing vs axial testing torsional and axial fatigue
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compression test device uniaxial compression test
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uniaxial compression test gauge uniaxial compression
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testing machine used planar-biaxial soft tissue test
system what is biaxial strain
on 2370 Controller
Static Tests
Stress relaxation
Peel & Adhesion
Tear Strength
Dynamic Tests
Stress relaxation
Planar Biaxial
Dynamic Characterization
Cyclic load control
Cyclic position control
Sinusoidal load control
Fatigue Tests
Fatigue Tests Tension-Tension
Cycle Fatigue
Biaxial - Axial Torsional
Crack Propagation
Elasto-plastic J