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Universal and Fatigue Test Machines with Related Accessories
  TestResources offers test fixtures, ovens, grips and other test machine accessories compatible with many popular test machine brands.
We also offer control system upgrades and a broad line of new general purpose test machines as summarized below.
Upgrades and Accessories
for Your Test Machine
Test Equipment
Test Equipment
Please call us at 1.800.430.6536 to speak with an applications engineer.

  Biomedical Applications   Accessories & Fixtures   Test Machines  

Biomedical Fixtures
Orthopedic Test Equipment
Educational Testing Products
Medical Device Tester
Dental Implant Tester
Spinal Device Fatigue Testers
Biomaterials Test
Tissue Test Equipment


Tensile Grips
Wedge Grips
Pneumatic Grips
Tensile Holders
Peel Test Fixtures and Resources
Capstan Grips
Compression Platens
Bend & Flexural Fixtures
Chambers, Furnaces, Ovens


Electromechanical Test Machines
Fatigue Testers & Machines
Torsion Test Machines
Axial Torsional Test Equipment
Servohydraulic Test Systems
Planar Biaxial Test Systems
Servohydraulic Retrofits - Fatigue
Horizontal Test Machines

  By Test Method   By Material or Product   Fatigue Testing  

ASTM Test Resources
ISO Test Resources
Bend & Flex Testers
Compression Test Machines
Shear Test Machine
Tear strength Testers
Tensile Test Equipment
Peel Test Equipment


Carbon Testing
Ceramics Testing
Concrete Testing
Rubber & Elastomer Testing
Composites Testing
Foam Testing
Geosynthetics Testing
Metal Testing
Paper Testing
Plastics Testing
Textiles Testing
Wood Testing
Glass Testing
Wire Testing


Fatigue Test Equipment
Low & High Cycle Fatigue
Fatigue Crack Growth
Dynamic Properties
Fracture Mechanics

TestResources accessories are compatible with all test machines - using adapters available from TestResources.






























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fixture astm d 3330 fixture astm d 3330 fixtures astm d 3330 test fixture astm d 3479 fixture astm d 395 compression fixtures astm d 4541 fixture astm d 578 break strength fixture astm d 6272 testing fixture astm d 638 fixture astm d 6479 test fixtures astm d 6479 test fixtures for sale astm d 6671 fixture astm d 6671 test fixture astm d 695 compression test fixture astm d 695 mechanical test fixtures astm d 695 test fixture astm d 7291 fixture astm d 732 fixture astm d 790 testing fixtures astm d 882 mechanical test fixture astm d 897 fixture astm d 903 test fixture astm d0543 10 constant strain loading fixture astm d1002 bonding fixtures astm d1002 lap shear fixture astm d1062 fixturing astm d1344 fixture astm d1388 fixture astm d1623 fixtures astm d1623 grippers fixtures astm d1693 fixture astm d1761 fixture astm d1761 fixtures astm d1876 fixture astm d1876 test fixture astm d1876 testing fixtures astm d198 long compression fixture astm d198 long compression test fixture astm d2105 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fixture astm d395 molds fixtures astm d395 test fixture plates astm d395 test fixtures astm d3983 test fixture astm d412 30 fixture drawing astm d412 ring fixture astm d412 ring tensile test fixture astm d4255 fixture astm d4255 fixture drawings astm d429method b fixture astm d4496 test fixture astm d4496 test fixtures astm d4541 fixture astm d4595 fixture astm d495 test fixture astm d5034 fixture astm d5035 fixtures astm d5035 test fixture astm d5045 test fixture astm d522 fixture buy astm d5379 fixture cost astm d5379 fixtures astm d5379 test fixture astm d5470 test fixture astm d5528 test fixture astm d5528 test fixtures astm d5628 test fixture astm d5656 test fixture astm d5766 test fixture astm d5801 fixture astm d6109 fixture astm d638 fixture astm d638 router fixtures astm d6641 fixture wikipedia astm d6641 test fixture purchase astm d6671 fixture astm d6677 test fixture astm d671 4 pt bend fatigue test fixture astm d671 fixture astm d671 fixtures astm d695 2x1x 500 inch 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